The Globe Food Equipment GPS10-S Portion Control Scale
Building upon the success of Globe’s GPS5 and GPS10, the new GPS10-S portion control scale is full of features that arrived just in time for the New Year! Waterproof at a depth of up to one meter for 30 minutes when the platter is attached allows it to be protected from spills, and accidental being immersed in liquid. Waterproofing also eases an otherwise cleanup headache that can occur.
The GPS-10 Portion Control Scale also settles quickly and measures accurately to within 1 gram. Choose your unit of measurement between pounds and ounces, ounces or kilograms. This scale also has a low-battery indicator to prevent surprises happening when things are moving fast throughout the kitchen. To help it preserve its battery life, the scale automatically shuts off after 5 minutes of non-use.
Order in either a single pack, or an economical 4 pack if you’re planning on upgrading multiple units. It has a 10+ lb. weight capacity and a marine edge to help contain drips. For more information on the Globe GPS10-S Waterproof Scale, click here.