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Jackson Warewashing

In Jackson’s latest line of warewashers, CREW stands for Clean, Reliable, Eco-friendly Warewashing. That phrase fits the CREW 44 perfectly. The CREW’s WISR cleaning system efficiently uses water and agitation to thoroughly clean wares the first time. The cavity of the washer also features self-cleaning wash arms with non-clogging convex jets. These help the machine recover between cycles. The CREW 44 uses only .35 gallons of water/rack. Some of that water is sprayed through its Rainbow Rinse, an arched rinse arm, for the final touch of the cleaning process.

Finally, the CREW 44 features Jackson’s exclusive EnergyGuard control system. The system cuts idle energy use and lowers chemical usage by shutting the machine down when racks are not being washed or rinsed. For more on clean, reliable, eco-friendly warewashing with Jackson’s CREW 44 visit

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